
 STORYBIRD It is a web platform that provides help to young writers who enjoy reading books daily and want to create their own books. You can create your own unique books on the web platform using the Storybird tool. You may share your poems, fairy tales, and long-running books with other Storybird users. If you're a teacher with younger writers, this is a tool you can use. You can keep track of your young writers' development and organize lessons with them. How It Works?                                                  Choose your account type and sign up When you log in, you will see the main page with the horizontally created menu at the top. From these menus, we first take the first step to create a new book by clicking the CREATE menu. From the Artwork section, we continue by choosing the cover pictures with the pictures of the characters suitable for th...
 Virtual Reality (Vr) Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-generated simulation in which a person may interact with an artificial three-dimensional world with the use of electronic equipment such as special glasses with a screen or sensors-equipped gloves. The user can enjoy a realistic feeling experience in this simulated artificial world.   Virtual reality technology generates a fictional or virtual world. To put it another way, it's a simulation. I can explore that environment and accomplish things there. For example, I may socialize with others, play games, or simply go for a stroll and take in the scenery. In that environment, I can do whatever I want as long as the program allows it.
Augmented Reality (AR) Augmented reality (AR) is a technologically augmented representation of the actual world that is created via the use of digital visual components, music, or other sensory stimulation. It's a developing trend among businesses that deal with mobile computing and commercial apps. One of augmented reality's key aims, amidst the expansion of data collecting and analysis, is to emphasize certain elements of the physical environment, raise comprehension of those qualities, and generate sensible and accessible knowledge that can be used to real-world applications. Big data may help organizations make better decisions and acquire insight into customer purchasing habits, among other things.   Augmented reality is evolving and becoming increasingly widely used in a variety of applications.
 MINDMEISTER Mind maps have functions such as visualizing, associating, concretizing and classifying information. With Mindmeister's many features, you can make your maps very easy and understandable, as well as invite others to the mind maps you have created, allowing them to see the map as well. For example, by sharing the mind map we have created, you can direct your students to this service and create a common concept map. Thus, a product will emerge as a result of Student-Teacher work.We can divide our students into project groups and have them create a common mind map. You can also decide whether the people you invite can only view or edit your maps.
 SEESAW Seesaw is a  digital portfolio  tool that allows teachers and students to record and share classroom activities. Students may use Seesaw to record their learning, be creative, and learn how to use technology. Each student receives their own notebook to which they will add items such as photographs, movies, drawings, and comments. How it works? Step 1: Choose account type Step 2: Create Class Step 3: Start Posting -Post Student Work -Assign Activity -Send Announcement
 QUIZLET It doesn't matter if it is Turkish or a different foreign language, memorizing is a common problem in language learning process. Quizlet is an application designed for ease the memorizing. Whether you use it individually or have your students apply it. You can repeat the words from the flashcard section and listen how they are pronounced. In the Learn section, it asks you to write the words that come to you. You can do listening exercises in the speller section and test whether you have learned the words in the test section.
 My Network I want to share my friends' blog links with you which may be useful. Ayşe İlknur Erçin:https://ilkaylinguland.blogspot.com/?m=1 Aylin Eskiocak:https://weeklymaterials.blogspot.com/ Ece Yabuz:https://materialdesignwithece.blogspot.com/ Ezgi Parmaksız:https://ezgiparmaksiz.blogspot.com/ Ömer Canpolat:https://academyeng.blogspot.com/